Today has been one of the worst days of my life. Regardless of any other day that has bypassed me with troubles that I have skipped, this has been the worst.
Here is a little back story:
My dad killed himself around the start of September 4 years ago. And had left a really horrid last words in my mind ever since, I've been able to pass all of his birthdays without a trouble until today/yesterday(UK Time). It is/was his birthday yesterday and to make the worst part of my life is that he had a chair that he would always chill on, he'd never leave his seat.. It was where he'd spend most of his final days. I'm speaking in past term because I had sold his chair today without realizing it was his birthday. I try my best to forget about him like anyone would but it just doesn't seem to fade. I'm not after advice nor am I after self pity, This is the Personal Korner so I'm sharing my personal life with you all.
Anyway, I haven't cried today nor am I going to plan on doing so.. I've had a stressful day and everything has literally just hit me today with the recent days and the last time I saw my dad.
I have no clue what i'm saying so you will hardly see me post, if this makes any sense then great job to me. If not then.. fuck it
I'll speak to you in a few days guys, I'll be on a little vacation whilst i'm chilling at my new place with no internet.