
Active Member
OMFG OMFG OMFG Guys a girl xbox launch team member messaged me to email her HOLY FUCK MY D IS 1.2 CMs!

Dura said:
Maybe my tiny penis?

Nah but deadass, Email her. Doesn't hurt. If anything create an email with all fake info, Make the email something random & just email her from there. I'll do it. I'ma email her saying Hi, She gonna drop dead, LMFAO, She gonna be like, How did you get my email.

Lol. What is she going to be like again?
This kid is Mad! haha ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
She's probably trying to take your tag like she does everyone's and turn around and give it to your brother.
Hat said:
She's probably trying to take your tag like she does everyone's and turn around and give it to your brother.

Does her brother own the GT Shock ?.
big deal she sent you a virtual msg.... u got a fkn hard on from a egirl that is a employee on a video game system.
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