OnBux Review


onBux is a new PTC website just like Neobux. It was launched in the month of June, 2010. Till then, they’ve been paying members gradually without any delay. They’ve gain a satisfied reputation and give instant payment on cash out. I researched about onBux and I found only few number of complaints about them.

The layout of the onBux is just like Neobux, the same interface except the different design. The click rate and referral prices are also same. onBux is also giving instant payments and their upgrade packages are cheaper as well. So far, they’ve paid more than two hundred thousands dollars to their users, and still paying. Hundreds of payment proofs can be seen in their forum. They pay with four methods including Paypal and Alertpay.

This is my strong recommendation not to invest any money in those PTC websites which are less than 6 months old. Every PTC website can pay but what matters is if they’ll be alive for a longer period of time.

I’ll keep sharing more information about onBux and will let you know about my experience with it. For the time being, you can join onBux and earn extra money.
onBux scammed me out of $200+.

They aren`t paying high cashouts. Stop wasting your time.
l3abyKnight is quite right - OnBux (as well as Neobux!) have gone semi-scam. They pay only a few people to keep hope alive and randomly ban and reset accounts. I've been a victim of that, myself. Not worth putting any time and especially any money into.
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