One Free Copy Of Unlimited Runescape Membership E-Book

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Goodluck to Anyone who wins, I personally don't want the E-book because I already have my own way but goodluck to over wins it, I hope it's someone that really deserves/needs it.
Why you deserve this e-book: because once i get a high enough level with theiving i will start to make money out of it, which means i need membership, then once i made RSGP i can then sell it on for real money

worth a shot good luck to other people

Thanks for the entry. I'm actually really sad nether of the threads have high review...
Why you deserve this e-book: Well, in all honesty. I live with my grandpa and we're running low on money as he has to be ALL of my mothers bills, so at this time he can't afford $5 a month as sometimes he only has like 1 dollar left over in his bank account after paying all the bills. Really upsets me my mom is that lazy.
And I suck at making RSGP in rs so I can't really buy it there.

I really do hope I can get this guide.
Username: Fl3x
Why you deserve this e-book: I've been needing a good way to get membership since pin sellers seem to be rare to find now, and will probably hold a lot of contests giving away membership if its not a method that will get over saturated.
Username: Life
Why you deserve this e-book: I would like this method so I can obtain a membership pin to join the E crew, I am working on the stats and don't have time to make money. I'm also new to Runescape in general thus not very good at making money, even botting (woodcutting) I can only make a max of ~60k per hour, and I still have to train. I currently have 4m, most of which I won from contests around here. And I could possibly use that 4m to buy a membership pin (if someone sold one that cheap), but then I wouldn't have any money for armor or weapons.

If I had the 30m to buy the eBook, I would instantly. But sadly I don't, so I'm hoping I win this contest. Maybe in the future when I start making more money I can pay you, but right now I can't.

Now that I read that it sound a little pathetic lol
Anyway thanks for reading and good luck to all participants.
I've decided too give the E-Book too two members.

Congratulations Life and Amped-

Please private message me.
Username: Shmi117
Why you deserve this e-book: I deserve this eBook because I will give a solid review on it with no lying. I am also in need of membership, so this would really help me. I will also give back to the community by holding contests for membership pins and RSGP.

Dang it, I was 1 post too late.

Sorry, better next luck time.
Thank you so much man, I will definitely give you a legit review for you
Why you deserve this e-book: I deserve this because I play runescape a lot, and my family doesn't have much money so not much funding for runescape membership. So this would help me out a lot. I would get a job, but no where in town is hiring. I would use a car, but need money for a car and gas too.
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