One of the best PSN's


Power member.
Hello, today I'm selling a really good PSN. It comes with all original information (adr/dob etc) and hasn't been sold before. It's fully secured and there's no chance that the creator will get it back.

PSN: B*d, another word for marijuana.
C/O: 300
BIN: 450

I'll only accept PayPal from trusted users, BTC from everybody.

Proof of ownership will be given to people who are interested.

I won't go first unless I deem you trustworthy, I'll also always accept a middle man.

Glws Nice PSN bud, sure it will sell fast enough. gg.
@Poop could be interested if he still pops in.
Dang this is a sweet PSN. If I had the money I would snatch it up. Anyways GLWS man!
This is a really sick psn bro, like its really nice, good luck with your sales.
Vouch for my nigra, he does have this and is very legit. I can MM if you need me to.
Why don't you sell it to there's on that has the current offer. It's a pretty nice offer considering you need it sold
Felon said:
Why don't you sell it to there's on that has the current offer. It's a pretty nice offer considering you need it sold

Because I'm really in need of at least 400$ + It was appraised at 400-500$.
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