Jon said:Ohhshit someone better donate it today but i gotta question are we fershure getting the new database if you get the required amount?
Jon said:Damn man niceee i wouldve donated more but im on a budget /: but thats great.
Philly said:Your donation helped, and I really appreciate it man. Thank you!
Jon said:Np man glad to help will the merge take place immediate? How much downtime?
Philly said:The guy isn't online so I have to wait until he gets on than I have to do the deal, import the db onto another site than run the merge system. I also plan on upgrading FK to the latest MyBB as we are not running the latest currently. I am guessing it will take about 2 hours in total. Hopefully I will do it when everyone is sleeping though. Bu that all depends on if he gets online tonight or not.
Jon said:Alright cool that would be beast
Philly said:Yeah for sure. Its 6:41am where he lives. I wonder what time he normally gets up...
Jon said:Is this his only job?
Uzi said:Did you get the money yet?
Philly said:Yeah I told you in the staff chat that I already got it do you not remember.... lol
Lol not yetJon said:Lol looks like uzi has to go to sleep
Jon said:Lol looks like uzi has to go to sleep
Philly said:Haha perhaps he might just have to... What time is it for you guys?
Jon said:Its 5:12am here lol-.-
Philly said:Lol nice... 2:14 here. I take it you are eastern standard time?