[OPEN]Alpha Recruitment Thread:

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RE: Alpha Recruitment Thread:

-why do you want to be in alpha?

I would like to join alpha because i think i can get along with everyone in it i really dont argue or anything with anyone. Just the thought of being apart of a group that has your back makes me wanna give this group all my effort into growing to know eachother and prospering as one.I may not have been here for long but in a short term everyone will learn to grow on me. thanks in advance if you do decide to let me in alpha
RE: Alpha Recruitment Thread:

Why do I want to be in Alpha?
I am a really nice person I love to talk and I am pretty chill. I will do tons of giveaways and way more. I am pretty new here but I am REALLY active I plan to as HQ as possible.
RE: Alpha Recruitment Thread:

Why do I want to be in alpha you ask? I wouldn't only like it, I'd love it! I would love to be in a group on forum korner because I would love a place and people that I can go to and also help. I can bring good deals for members on social mediums and I can also bring many other things.
RE: Alpha Recruitment Thread:

I want to be in Alpha because i think this would be a great opportunity for me to meet new people.
I may not have been here that long but in a short time im sure everyone will find out im pretty chill with everyone.
I also like the User Title. That Shizz looks nice as F-ck.
I would like to be in Alpha becasue I feel like I havent met everyone on FK yet, and I would like to become friends with all different user. Not just the users I already know. Also because that userbar is sick asf.
I would love to be in Alpha because I think that I am a respectable and trusted member. I have been here for a while, and I know my way around ForumKorner. I feel like I could bring experience and help to Alpha. I could be active in the sub-forum and help members who need it. I hope you consider me for this group. Thank you.
I would like the opportunity to re-join alpha, as I was kicked for inactivity a while back and I would like a chance to redeem myself. I also love alpha and it's members, it's always been my favorite group on FK. :3
I'd love to be in Alpha because the user bar looks sexy and the owner did my assignment.

Pimping's Application

Why do you want to be in Alpha?
Well there's a lot of reasons I want to be in Alpha. The first biggest one is to meet new people, I joined Forum Korner I think about 2 months ago and I haven't met that many people, and I know I meet a lot of people in Groups. Second, I love being active and chatting with people in the groups about almost anything. I also want to be in the group to learn about new things, because I know there's a lot of skilled members out there that could teach me a thing or two. Finally I want to be in Alpha to be in another family.

Info on Your self
Well to start of my real name is Scott, but ever since I can remember I've been called Scotty or Scotto as a nickname. I was born in Charlotte, North Carolina on June 16, 1999. I lived there for 3 years than moved to California where I am still living today. I have a pretty normal life other than that school is very difficult for me because I'm dyslexic which makes writing and reading extremely hard which makes school very hard. As of today I'm a 9th grader in my public high school. All I've ever wanted to do in my life is make people happy, it makes me feel like I belong when I make someone happy. Well this is getting really long so I will stop here.

My Skills
Some of my skills is, making conversation, being nice, typing, gaming, electronics and general and knowledge on longboarding.

My Weaknesses
My weaknesses as of now are spelling, grammar, graphics and coding. But that's it for now...

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
I would like to be in Alpha simply because I'm a humble guy that enjoys a civil, respectable conversation from time to time. I don't post whore for contests, rep4rep, etc. because I don't feel the need to. I believe there aren't enough people on the internet that can do the same, so I would be happy to be in a group that has a sense of humility yet are looked up to.

I like the direction in which this group is going.
Why do you want to be in Alpha?

I want to be in Alpha because I think I deserve to be. From the looks of it, Alpha is a high quality and trustworthy group. I think of myself as those two things as well. I will strive to be the best member in the group and maybe even co-lead it one day. I will give back to the community in the name of Alpha and make this group the best damn group FK has ever seen. I would love to join so let me know if you decided to let me in. Thank you for your time.

Why do I want to be in alpha?

I'm not going to lie, Most people here say they want to be in alpha because they want to meet new people, be involved with the community, represent alpha and strive to make it the best HQ group on FK. Let me ask you something, do they actually pursue this? or do they just get accepted and wear the userbar, or worse, don't even wear it?
Most people here also say i'm a dick. That's their opinion, I don't see myself to be a dick, I just speak what i think, what i feel. I'm applying to alpha because i want to join one of the most well known, and respected groups on FK, i want to join a group that isn't based on who you know, your rep, what you sell or buy, or how much money you have, I want to join a group that takes themselves seriously and picks only who should be in it. I'm not here to 'strengthen' the community, to meet new people and have a fun little game of checkers while sipping some sparkling apple juice. I want to be in alpha to have a sense of achievement, accomplishment and belong. A simple goal. I want alpha to be seen as a top HQ group, something people really want to be in, a group where even if it had no userbar, name colour or award, people would still want to be in. One thing i will do, is only be in ONE group at a time. No representing alpha on mondays and thursdays, i'll be representing alpha 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If i'm not accepted, i would like a reason as to why, so i can improve and maybe try again in the future.

Same ol Same ol applications.

Disappointed to see this group disband so many times, Shade really hurt the groups here.
Cult's App

Why i want to join Alpha!

its very simple and easy i would like to join alpha because it is a HQ group, it stands out from the other groups. I am just becoming active on the forum again and i would like to meet some of the newer members that joined the forum and i believe alpha would be a good place to start! i will also be very active in the sub-forum, help out members that need help. That is all i hope to hear back from you guys! goodluck to all who enter!

Why do I want to be in Alpha?
I would like to be in Alpha because I want to know the members of ForumKorner better. I think I would be a good fit because I could represent the group while doing no-scam trades. I am always eager to learn new things, hopefully some members could teach me. Thank you for your time and consideration.​
Why do you want to be in Alpha?

I would like to be in Alpha because I believe it is a HQ group with members I can easily associate with and get along with them. I believe I am a HQ user myself, making the group even better. I can actually bring activity to the subforums and bring a good name to Alpha aswell

Thank you for letting me have the opportunity to fill out an app for your group.
Why would I want to join Alpha? Easy. It's led by great people. You can't buy into it, and there's no judgement here. I also like the logo, it's sick In my honest opinion, the only other group I would join is probably Infinity, but I don't meet the requirements. I would really love to join this group and better the community here at FK by providing helpful and insightful feedback for people in, and outside of, the group. Please consider me an avid applicant for Alpha, and carry that in mind while reading my response. Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed my post. Please consider me for this group.
-Why do you want to be in Alpha?

I would like to be in Alpha because ever since I've gotten here, I've respected the group. There is a degree of respectability that comes with the Alpha group, and I've strived towards earning that title. I would love to represent a respectable group in a respectable manner. A simple, straight forward question deems a simple, straight forward response.

This thread needs to be closed, I'm the current owner of this group and this is NOT my recruitment.

No one will be allowed into Alpha until the group has been changed and a new recruitment is set up.
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