Opinions on cigarettes?

Color said:
I didn't say anything against an opinion. I said the mentality that everyone else does it, so it's cool is childish and terrible. I guess you're not from the US, so it may not have the same stigma where you're from.

I don't do it because it's "cool". My friend once offered ME a cigarette and it started from there.

- Very easy and fun to meet new people in smoking areas or bars/pubs/clubs
- If you work, depending where you work, smokers get longer fucking breaks lol
- Old and bad technique to get rid of a cold... the smoke will instantly kill all bacteria in your lungs due to heat (apparently in usa a long time ago they gave menthol cigs out)
- a lot better thae vaps


- the cost
- negative health effects
- a lot of girls don't like it
- quitting can be hard
- yellow teeth, flem/liquid in lungs
- it's shit smoking when you are ill
- cancer...
- when you quit you put on a lot of weight
I smoked cigs ages 13-16, because everyone else was doing it that I hung with. I never had to purchase them because my boyfriend at the time always had them.
Was more social than addiction. When Age 16 came around and I had to start buying them for myself? Fuck that.
They're so expensive. and smoker's smell terrible. It's not even the health factors that keeps me away from them. I can't stand being around someone that smells like an ashtray. And why the fuck? Could probably buy a brand new car with the amount you spend on Cigs a year. No thanks I'll pass #2Cheap2SmokeCigs.

If you ever do decide to quit, like REALLY want to, I recommend Chantix.
You can smoke while you're taking it, but it changes the way your senses are towards it. You begin to repulse the smell and taste, not even want to smoke after about a week or two.
I don't like them, I hate the smell, and I will never smoke cigarettes. My parents smoke them and it annoys me..
Man forget Cigs ain't nothing cool about them if you want to do something smoke a lil herb now that my friend is cool
Never smoked cigarettes before, I dip every now and then.
My thoughts on smoking varies a lot, for one I am a heavy smoker, i smoke at least 2 packs a day and sometimes more depending if i get insomniac or not, i can’t drive, play video games, think rationally or even relax without a cigarette. Do i like them? Oh yes, i love smoking, do i hate them? Yes and yes, my lungs are ruined and i can’t climb a stairway without fearing that my heart will explode any second, which might actually happen anytime lmao since i have a heart condition since birth.

In a perfect world cigarettes would be the most awesome thing on existence, but reality dictates otherwise so yeah, a cigarette is a disgusting smelly, poisonous, and cold-hearted killer, yet sexy, addictive, and relaxing. All in all, i hate loving them.
To be honest cigarettes are horrible. Though, the media and public portray them as the worst product ever, they aren't as bad as they seem.

Yes smoking cigarettes has side effects and are not good for you but that's for long term use.

I did happen to start smoking again and this time around, it's not as bad. I do hope to quit again soon.
@HDMi @beats I smoke around 20 a day it's horrible but the best fucking thing ever at the same time.
Homie said:
@HDMi @beats I smoke around 20 a day it's horrible but the best fucking thing ever at the same time.

What? Not at all bro. That's more than a pack a day. That's not good.

How old are you?
@Beats that just under a pack a day (pack=21) and I'm 16.
A friend told me, that if someone stops smoking for 3 or 4 years, their lungs will actually go back to normal? or clean themselves? I don't know if I believe what he said.
Anyways, cigs are good as long as you can control yourself, like it's not good to feel like throwing up or shaking after you smoked a few. It's also not good to smoke too much, as that can end up shit.

Have fun and smoke safe my friend
I smoke 'em occasionally after I get high, just to get rid of the smell of pot. They're just "okay" I guess.
All bad man. Plus I don't even know how you guys even smoke them lol. They're fucking nasty.
But whatever floats your boat.
One time when I was drunk, I tried one and it almost made me puke lol. The though of it makes me want to puke right now...
How could you do this to yourself? You're 16 and smoke a pack a day...
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