Or trading four letter OG

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b a s e d

Selling or trading the spaced four letter original gamertag, which is the root word of "safety"

Bid: $180
Bin: $240 pp/mp or $220 LR

I will go first to everyone, as I am looking to get scammed.

Gt is "S ¤fe"
And please don't say that I am asking too much. This tag has NEVER been passed around and does NOT have aids, as many tags do.
RE: Or trading

Sweet tag. But $220 seems to be pretty steep.

Ill throw in a $75 bid.
RE: Or trading

dude ill buy this for 6000 right now message me on aim? Trinity no MM u go 1st k.
RE: Or trading

Trinity said:
dude ill buy this for 6000 right now message me on aim? Trinity no MM u go 1st k.

Now that seems sketchy....
Oh shit, I didn't know it was spaced, can you delete my bid please?:/ sorry.
You should be more clear in your OP/title. I knew the tag was spaced, but others might not.
wow dude safe? nice hope to deal in thr near future!
b a s e d said:
I will go first to everyone, as I am looking to get scammed.
I dont know if you meant to say that but it made me lol.
GLWS though.
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