Standard Member's Benefits are as following:
Earn €0.01 per ad clicked.
Earn €0.005 per ad clicked by your referrals.
Direct Referrals Limit - 20
Price per referrals rent - €0.30
Price per recycle referral €0.10
Upgraded Member's Benefits are as following:
Purchase Flash and get 10 direct referrals ! LIMITED OFFER !!! only 50 packages available
Earn €0.015 per ad clicked.
Earn €0.01 per ad clicked by your referrals.
Direct Referrals Limit - 200
Price per referrals rent - €0.25
Price per recycle referral €0.08
'Flash' tag added to your name in the forums.
Minimum payout is €1.00
All payments will be made via AlertPay or Paypal.
Free registration:
Orengal - 1EUR payout!