Original Gamertag or even a three letter tag.


I'm looking to buy an original gamertag like most people on here. Post what you have, I'm looking to buy something when I see something I like.
Dam said:
For you, Mp or LR would be the only 2 options :)

I'm honestly pretty new to this site. I came here looking for a tag so I'm not sure on the phrases. MP meaning Microsoft Points and LR meaning what?:eek:
ucandoit4 said:
I'm honestly pretty new to this site. I came here looking for a tag so I'm not sure on the phrases. MP meaning Microsoft Points and LR meaning what?:eek:

MP: MoneyPak

LR: Liberty Reserve

PP: Paypal

MSP: Microsoft Points
I have the tag "Flipper" but the current offer is $400 amazon which I will be taking tomorrow.
Poop said:
MP: MoneyPak

LR: Liberty Reserve

PP: Paypal

MSP: Microsoft Points

Oh, alright. Sorry for the dumb questions but why is my only options mp and lr?
ucandoit4 said:
Oh, alright. Sorry for the dumb questions but why is my only options mp and lr?

Because you aren't trusted enough to use another source of payment such as paypal
I'd definitely be down to buy a solid three letter tag. I've seen a couple around

Damnation said:
You can't scam with MP & LR.

Okay, that's good. I'm looking for the most legitimate transaction possible.
By a 3 letter tag, do you mean like a 3 character?

If so I got the tag E0Q, otherwise I've also got the tag Aardvark.
You need to be very trusted to use the PP option as you can take back the money you send to someone. As for MP and LR those options are not there. Once you send a payment through MP and LR its final. And for trusted members the same applies for PP.