Original Quakelives


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I have got my hands on 2 OG Quakelives. The names are ; Ape, and Ops. My other one is Dive but it is on my old laptop, so Im not adding it xD. mostly accepting trades.
My question is...what the fuck is a quakelive?
^ Lol. But yeah man what is it? I've never heard of that before.
Thanks for that, Simple. haha

Its a cool game, its also good for social chat ingame aswell. Shoulve put this in the gaming market but whatever haha
You guys must be a little young quake is the shit :) it was one of the first fps that and doom and a couple others made fps popular
Yeah. It is still a really good game though even if its one of the first :), thanks for the reply Jedi.
WHy buy these if OG names are still available?

Just because you posted this, i went on and made the account name "Obey" lol
not too many people wanted names like Obey back then, they wanted stuff like Killer50 and shit.

and some people didnt even want a name so they made it like andyf7655
I just made "Swear" I'm gonna give it a go.
Thanks OP :)
Damn I remember Quake. It came in a package with XP Pro or something. Sooo good, also UT 99.