Original YouTube 'Lime' + More


User is banned.
Hey I am looking to trade my Original YouTube Lime for an original gamertage or 3 letter nospaced gamertags please & for proof message me on YouTube or add my Skype: Dopcst. Also I am selling YT/datsqnp (Upsidedown dubstep) and YT/SwagIsKey. Really good stats get back to me on YouTube or Skype preferably as I am not really good with Hackforums *** Please more I am not original owner for any of those accounts and do not know the OG password ***
I'm interested in this, have a few tags accept me on skype
Deal with EXTREME caution. He scammed a few people...
User has been banned for scamming another member.
Does this mean i can turn around and scam him for it since he's not a member on this site
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