Party Room and Drop Parties

Players can now place unlimited wealth into the party chest and can have drop parties. If you’re worried about your party being gate-crashed, bankers no longer shout about Party Room drops! The POH treasure chest has also had an increase to how much gold they can award.
Yes... read the front page of They say that you could put unlimited amount in the party chest.
Atrain said:
Sweetness! I am so excited. What level do you need for the treasure chest?

3-138 :wiseguy:
Wow thank god I hated the bankers Announcing 10Mill drop party in World 15 in 5 minutes you show up theres 10000 people there
I'm actually pretty happy about this, but you will still get raided if one person messages their friend and then it goes on and on.
~~~ said:
Yea, its nice, But I never seem to have any luck in the Party room.

My cousin makes like 10m per week in the party room.
I don't understand how he gets so lucky, but he manages to get the good items in the chest somehow.
^ That's gotta be the worst quality post i've seen here at runegear.

@ OP, i'm pretty excited this is changing, it's going back to the old days. Nice.
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