Paste Thread!

I d

No, I have no clue why that's my paste. I thought I had a video up there but I guess not.
Lmao I think I have the best one.


bhbhaha that's was my netflix thingy, I was watching Weeds for hours. I changed the email to *'s for safety
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Editing a skin.
Vans said:

bhbhaha that's was my netflix thingy, I was watching Weeds for hours. I changed the email to *'s for safety

Digging the email lmao.

I was downloading some files.

Searched it on Google to see what it was.

Haha I was gonna buy it off a guy! Also, I am the one with goofball right?
El vocabulario
Pronunciación Vocabulario En inglés

el bosque
the forest

el elefante the elephant

el hipopótamo the hippopotamus

el jaguar the jaguar

el león the lion

el leopardo the leopard

el loro the parrot

el mono (el chango en México) the monkey

el oso the bear

el tigre the tiger

la araña
the spider

la cebra the zebra

la iguana the iguana

la jirafa the giraffe

la selva, la jungla the jungle

la serpiente the snake

la tortuga the turtle
ohh emmm geee bend only you -_-
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