( PATCHED ) ( Paid Method ) How to get SwagBucks

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Power member.
In about 10 days ive gotten 1000 swag bucks. Selling my method for $5 to normal members. $3 for Onyx. And $1 for Staff. You will make your money back in amazon or paypal gift cards within 1-2 weeks! I make about 150 SwagBucks a day!!

Note: Only accepting Paypal money as a gift and I am not going first. Don't trust me please don't buy.

Note: If this gets patched ( Witch im 99% sure it won't ) im not responsible. I dont see why it would considering they are making profit off this method as well.

Note: If this is leaked by anyone its more likely for it to get patched so i definitely recommend not leaking it haha.

Note: I told Philly about this and i think he tried it with no problems. ( PLEASE don't spam him asking questions about it. )

Note: No refunds.

( Requirements )
- Teamviewer for me to setup and show you the method.
- Make a swagbucks.com account ( if you didn't sign up yet please use my referral." http://www.swagbucks.com/refer/kkobrien " )
- A Paypal account to purchase the method and to put the money you earned on. ( you should also have a amazon account just encase you want to get cards for that too. )
- Google Chrome Web Browser ( Its alot faster and better for this method and for anybody that doesn't have it will not be able to do the method.
- Being able to leave your computer on when this method is being done.

( SwagBucksProof ) http://gyazo.com/5aa7849c311827adee76e87c9984dc88

Aim= k.e.vi.n

Happy Buying everyone!!
RE: ( Paid Method ) How to get SwagBucks

Bump, Still selling this method, PM or Aim me if interested.
Its like 1000 swagbucks for $10 pp. Not really hard to get them though. Theres alot of programs out there and methods. Just alot are private or you have to pay for them.
I use quite a few swagbucks bots. If anyone wants to find them you could probably just search on google.
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