Pay for Unban? [INFO Inside]

Yes it is real. I don't see why they'd put it and not follow through with it.
Zangrefia said:
Yes it is real. I don't see why they'd put it and not follow through with it.

You're talking about Jagex here. They're British, with an agenda to push little kids into obesity. They're the kings of all trolls.

Copper said:
Ive been looking into it because my main got banned and ive sent many emails in but havn't got any response, i think it will probably happen over the summer.

Well thats unfortunate. Im going to send out a few of these emails myself.
Looks like just another way of sucking money out of the wallets of the parents of the little kids who play their game.
Yes this interesting information. I feel this would bring back botted accounts as well.
It's real, runescape is money hungry..

In a couple of updates this will be available.
They have to offer it to you via message center, only a few confirmed unbans so far mostly old accounts and minor offense's that built up.
Meh, no doubt some people will buy it. They'll take the money, unban the account, the account will be rebanned, boom. Waste of $70.
Carbon said:
They have to offer it to you via message center, only a few confirmed unbans so far mostly old accounts and minor offense's that built up.

Really? Do you have more info for me on these "Confirmed" cases?

Saged said:
Meh, no doubt some people will buy it. They'll take the money, unban the account, the account will be rebanned, boom. Waste of $70.

$70? Kind of outrageous. Thats like little over 4 months of WoW right there
You can PAY to get your ACCOUNT unbanned?
Them greedies.
LoveToHax said:
You can PAY to get your ACCOUNT unbanned?
Them greedies.

Greedy? Jagex? Nooooooo. Who are you kidding. </sarcasm>

If it was 10-30$, I would probably feed the hungry sons of bitches; I got an End-Game account that was wrongfully banned.
I read somewhere that they were doing it so that membership fees could go toward developing new content instead of stopping bots.
I also read that botted skills and wealth would be rolledback.
I followed a link from HF and went to the RS forums for the info above.

Yeah, I think the "Any gains or advantages that Jagex considers were made as a result of using macros shall be removed from your account." proves the rollback point you were making. Unfortunate, because you could wind up paying for an unban and get a Level 3 with 20GP on it. =\
This totally fail. Money-sick Jagex!
im pretty sure they get a whole list of reported players and play einy meiny miny moe to see which one they will ban to get some $$
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