Paypal or Webmoney ?

I use and prefer paypal. I have never used webmoney so don't know much about it.
I really enjoy paypal. I have never used the other site but use paypal weekly for all my online shopping and money making sites.
I am using Paypal because that is the payment processor most of the online earning sites accept.
I primarily use paypal. i trust them and I know it can be reliable processor.
i prefer using paypal because it has many functions over the web and it helps me earn more by facebook
vjobs said:
I am using paypal. i haven't herd of webmoney. might be it better.but as i don't know about the other one i will stick to one that i am using and that's paypal.
f17money said:
:clap: I would go for Webmoney , I hate Paypal
what about you?

I Prefer Paypal, more familiar and support my country, Webmoney support my country too but i'm not quite familiar with it.
im using paypal too...i dont know about webmoney..i havent hear that PP account still not verified...xD..
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