PayPal Trick/Hack - "Buy Now"


Active Member
I will show you a simple little trick, or hack (if you'd like to call it that) about PayPal. This won't work every time, but hey, atleast it works.

Okay, first of all, this is just a script which will give you an option to get a book, software or anything releated for free. This is not a perfect script and it won't work on secured transactions.
This will only work if the site has a PayPall sell button on it.

You can use this script really easily. Let me show you how.
First, you need the script, and here it is:

javascript:top.location=document.getElementsByName('return')[0].value; javascript:void(0);

Okay, now copy that script or yet better, bookmark it.

And the last step:

When you are visiting a page using a PayPal button, just click the bookmark or paste the code in the URL bar of your browser.

Test it on this site:

This script works with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Safari. I'm not sure if it works on Internet Explorer, because I don't use it.

Thank you for reading this simple, yet effective tutorial.

List of sites which are vulnerable to this hack: - Thanks to Sex
/ - Thanks to Sex - Thanks to Pyratepig
I currently don't know of any sites that it works on. But if you do notice that it does work on another site then reply here with the site url and i'll add it to the main thread.
Thanks for sharing this! looking for more vulnerable sites !
Thanks, anyways the guide didn't really take that much time from me. Just some of my previous knowledge in money making online.
So after we do that, we just wait for the code to appear?
I thought AutoFighter sends them via email.
Yes, but the auth takes like an hour to appear. I tried it and it worked but only because I left my computer on and went to the store. After I came back I got an auth. :D
Alright, thanks for the information. I've tried it on some other eBook site for Runescape, didn't work. But I'm not sure if it was a PayPal buy now or what, so yeah.
Yes, a little tard is sharing this on HF, he needs to be banned >:O

I don't see how you can actually get auths from the rsbots sites o.o
The problem is that he probably didn't even sign up on sm because guests can view threads...

Sorry I'm on my phone atm so ill tell you guys my plan to get it off HF.
nofear1999 said:
You can use it on my site...
Except it replaces the EXE redirect with a virus ;)

Haha great idea!! Might make mine do that to once i've made a hack :p
Pyratepig said:
This works on
I have over 9,000 credits lmao.

Haha thanks for telling us ! Just getting myself to like 5k credits :p

Edit: haha just got myself 100,000 credits!