When handling items in the marketplace, such as runescape Items, Both users are going to be skeptical when having to go first in a trade.
Reputation and Post count do not make a user although it will help judge their trustworthyness on a VERY SMALL level.
Therefor we need the position of Official Middle Man or OMM.
Back in the day on Run3h4x.net (no longer a working site) I was an OMM and it proved to be very very useful for the forums. It drastically reduced the scam reports and also encouraged users to use the market with confidence.
Reputation and Post count do not make a user although it will help judge their trustworthyness on a VERY SMALL level.
Therefor we need the position of Official Middle Man or OMM.
Back in the day on Run3h4x.net (no longer a working site) I was an OMM and it proved to be very very useful for the forums. It drastically reduced the scam reports and also encouraged users to use the market with confidence.