People are retarded -_-


User is banned.
Some guy I know (who will be name-less) is uber on hackforums, he got hacked (bank cleaned) 0and I offered to bot on his account to get him some of his stuff back. He said kk and I put around 15M worth of runecrafting shit on his account and bot it for a few days. After a few days his cash pile is at around 40M (including the 15M I gave him) he logs on and changes the pass + everything. I ask him for my 15M back since he doesn't really need help anymore and he said I should go suck on a dick and blocked me on MSN -_-

Fuck people, I'm not being nice anymore.
Wow, that one sad dickhead.

I got hacked for 120M, havn't asked for one donation. (And I wont either)
Instead of begging for donations, I made a rebuilding thread to keep me motivated to get back what I lost.

He should't be such a dick and actually steal YOUR 15M, and Ubers on HackForums are not trustable.
The only ones I would trust is Techno and Carbon.
ConCax said:
Wow, that one sad dickhead.

I got hacked for 120M, havn't asked for one donation. (And I wont either)
Instead of begging for donations, I made a rebuilding thread to keep me motivated to get back what I lost.

He should't be such a dick and actually steal YOUR 15M, and Ubers on HackForums are not trustable.
The only ones I would trust is Techno and Carbon.

Really? Those are the ones I wouldn't trust. :L
Automatic Coding said:
Really? Those are the ones I wouldn't trust. :L

I'm not really sure if Tecnho is Tecnho from HF, but if so he bought me L33T a while back. My previous name was Alex VS Alex.

For Carbon, I just trust him.
Jonathan said:
Once you got too 30m you should have took your 15m back off.

Meh, more cash = easier for me and I thought I could trust him -_-
This is why I find it more simple to never do deals of any kind. It's a simple concept, really.
thats why people never help other people because of these dickheads they just scam people who help them thats just sad -,-' and just the fact that you scam is also sad tbh xD
ConCax said:
I'm not really sure if Tecnho is Tecnho from HF, but if so he bought me L33T a while back. My previous name was Alex VS Alex.

For Carbon, I just trust him.

First off, it's Techno. And yes it is the same Techno on HF.

OP- Yes some people are retarded, and I don't trust anyone online 100%, neither should you.
Damn man, that's not good. Don't trust people, trust who you think won't backstab (like me!). I'm appreciative of everything that is given will me, and I would always try my best to repay anyone who has helped me. This is how everyone should be.
Someone was offering to bot a sorc garden for me then he started to pressure me so much into buying memb then giving him the auth. I had a feeling he was going to just keep all the money so I backed out before I started.
Even though your a nice guy, don't stop being nice. Just try too keep an eye out for fake friends. Some are greedy. Karma my friend.
Automatic Coding said:
Some guy I know (who will be name-less) is uber on hackforums, he got hacked (bank cleaned) 0and I offered to bot on his account to get him some of his stuff back. He said kk and I put around 15M worth of runecrafting shit on his account and bot it for a few days. After a few days his cash pile is at around 40M (including the 15M I gave him) he logs on and changes the pass + everything. I ask him for my 15M back since he doesn't really need help anymore and he said I should go suck on a dick and blocked me on MSN -_-

f*ck people, I'm not being nice anymore.

You gotta remember your old signature on hackforums. You had the sperm count to computer space relation thing and then at the top you had: Being nice gets you nowhere.

Anyways, sorry for your 15m loss. Your a baws anyway, and will probably make it back soon....:rolleyes3::rolleyes3:
whats his name on HF?
Famoushope said:
whats his name on HF?

I don't really want to say. I don't want people not being nice to him because it's between me and him.

StarZ_mybb_import1335 said:
That sucks auto. Even though that's only like 4 hours of botting for you, Still sucks.

Timer: 24 hours
Profit: 10949328 (10.9M) :'(

rakeya said:
How long did it take for you to get that 40m?

Not to long, like 4-5 days.