People are retarded -_-


User is banned.
Some guy I know (who will be name-less) is uber on hackforums, he got hacked (bank cleaned) 0and I offered to bot on his account to get him some of his stuff back. He said kk and I put around 15M worth of runecrafting shit on his account and bot it for a few days. After a few days his cash pile is at around 40M (including the 15M I gave him) he logs on and changes the pass + everything. I ask him for my 15M back since he doesn't really need help anymore and he said I should go suck on a dick and blocked me on MSN -_-

Fuck people, I'm not being nice anymore.
Wow, that one sad dickhead.

I got hacked for 120M, havn't asked for one donation. (And I wont either)
Instead of begging for donations, I made a rebuilding thread to keep me motivated to get back what I lost.

He should't be such a dick and actually steal YOUR 15M, and Ubers on HackForums are not trustable.
The only ones I would trust is Techno and Carbon.

Really? Those are the ones I wouldn't trust. :L
Automatic Coding said:
Really? Those are the ones I wouldn't trust. :L

I'm not really sure if Tecnho is Tecnho from HF, but if so he bought me L33T a while back. My previous name was Alex VS Alex.

For Carbon, I just trust him.
Jonathan said:
Once you got too 30m you should have took your 15m back off.

Meh, more cash = easier for me and I thought I could trust him -_-
This is why I find it more simple to never do deals of any kind. It's a simple concept, really.
thats why people never help other people because of these dickheads they just scam people who help them thats just sad -,-' and just the fact that you scam is also sad tbh xD
ConCax said:
I'm not really sure if Tecnho is Tecnho from HF, but if so he bought me L33T a while back. My previous name was Alex VS Alex.

For Carbon, I just trust him.

First off, it's Techno. And yes it is the same Techno on HF.

OP- Yes some people are retarded, and I don't trust anyone online 100%, neither should you.
Damn man, that's not good. Don't trust people, trust who you think won't backstab (like me!). I'm appreciative of everything that is given will me, and I would always try my best to repay anyone who has helped me. This is how everyone should be.
Someone was offering to bot a sorc garden for me then he started to pressure me so much into buying memb then giving him the auth. I had a feeling he was going to just keep all the money so I backed out before I started.
Even though your a nice guy, don't stop being nice. Just try too keep an eye out for fake friends. Some are greedy. Karma my friend.

You gotta remember your old signature on hackforums. You had the sperm count to computer space relation thing and then at the top you had: Being nice gets you nowhere.

Anyways, sorry for your 15m loss. Your a baws anyway, and will probably make it back soon....:rolleyes3::rolleyes3:
whats his name on HF?
Famoushope said:
whats his name on HF?

I don't really want to say. I don't want people not being nice to him because it's between me and him.

StarZ_mybb_import1335 said:
That sucks auto. Even though that's only like 4 hours of botting for you, Still sucks.

Timer: 24 hours
Profit: 10949328 (10.9M) :'(

rakeya said:
How long did it take for you to get that 40m?

Not to long, like 4-5 days.
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