Philly's Official Middlemanning.

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Power member.
Philly's Official Middlemanning

Vouch Thread,

Trades that I middleman,

Xbox related trades.
RuneScape related trades.
Paypal related trades.
Real life item trades.
Probably anything else...


What is the trade for?
What is the value of the trade?
Whats your aim/msn?
Traders aim/msn, and username?
Do you agree to my Terms?


I have the right to decline any mm for any reason any time.
All paypal trade will be sent as payment owed and a note must be written.
I have no responsibility for any items in the trade after the deal is done.
Terms are set to change at any given time.
You must pay my fee before the trade starts.
You must not ask me to middleman for free.


10% of the trades value.

Contact info,

Post here.​
Ok so I got give you some American currency for a Xbox account and Microsoft points exchange,
Godly said:
Ok so I got give you some American currency for a Xbox account and Microsoft points exchange,

Write in the application format he spent time on..
My Application

What is the trade for? Xbox Account (oG Gamertag)
What is the value of the trade? $150
Whats your msn? I will Pm you
Traders msn, and username? I don't know if he has msn but he has AIM and hes username is Jman
Do you agree to my Terms? Yes
Just wait till this site gets like 30,000 people.

If you still would like me to mm please pm me. I can do this no problem.
Are you going to be adding more Official MM to the site?
Cube. said:
Are you going to be adding more Official MM to the site?

Not for a long while noone is even close to being trusted enough to become one. When someone is an omm its the sites ass. As we are vouching for them. I won't even consider anyone here for omm for a long long time.
Philly said:
Not for a long while noone is even close to being trusted enough to become one. When someone is an omm its the sites ass. As we are vouching for them. I won't even consider anyone here for omm for a long long time.

Oh that is very understandable.
Hopefully I will be one some day
What is the trade for? Outcast for $90
What is the value of the trade? $90
Whats your aim? Trapstxr
Traders aim, and username? Aim - spencerbutler10 Username - acrocide
Do you agree to my Terms? Yes

Edit: He has to wait for his brother or dad to get home, so don't worry about this for right now.

Alright just let me know when you are ready.
What is the trade for? Xbox Account (oG Gamertag)
What is the value of the trade? $100
Whats your aim? Jared Douglass
Traders msn, and username? I don't know if he has msn but he has AIM and its TD5X
Do you agree to my Terms? Yes
NoctisLCaelum said:
What is the trade for? Xbox Account (oG Gamertag)
What is the value of the trade? $100
Whats your aim? Jared Douglass
Traders msn, and username? I don't know if he has msn but he has AIM and its TD5X
Do you agree to my Terms? Yes

I can middleman for you for 10 dollars as the flat rate is 5 dollars, and 5% of 100 is 5 dollars. So thats 10. Shoot me a pm when you are ready.
Huge vouch for Philly , did a middle manning job for me , everything went smooth, fast , and secure , I recommend Philly to anyone on the site a little cash is worth using him as a mm , as your are guarnteed a secure transaction , so vouch from me , thank you Philly and good luck with other middlemanning jobs.
What is the trade for? Gt: Cankles
What is the value of the trade? $40
Whats your aim/msn? myzoh
Traders aim/msn, and username? Thespazinmonkey2, and Username: Poop
Do you agree to my Terms? Yes.
Subaru said:
What is the trade for? Gt: Cankles
What is the value of the trade? $40
Whats your aim/msn? myzoh
Traders aim/msn, and username? Thespazinmonkey2, and Username: Poop
Do you agree to my Terms? Yes.

MMing the deal now.
What is the trade for? Og Tag
What is the value of the trade? 2 1600msp
Whats your aim/msn? C.igar
Traders aim/msn, and username? Lil B
Do you agree to my Terms? Yes
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