Philly's Official Middlemanning.

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What is the trade for? Og gamertag
What is the value of the trade? $150 + 3 month code
Whats your aim/msn?
Traders aim/msn, and username? frag.grenade - Kev
Do you agree to my Terms? Yes
This thread should be closed as Philly doesn't really MM anymore
Durantula said:
This thread should be closed as Philly doesn't really MM anymore

That isn't true I middleman at least one deal a day. I don't know why you are assuming I don't...
Philly said:
That isn't true I middleman at least one deal a day. I don't know why you are assuming I don't...

Oh my bad bro, I seen that the thread was about 3 months old and last time I asked if you could MM for me you said no.
Durantula said:
Oh my bad bro, I seen that the thread was about 3 months old and last time I asked if you could MM for me you said no.

If it's not worth my time I won't mm, If someone asks me to mm free I will always say no, and sometimes even if its worth my time I still don't do it because I don't always have free time.
What is the trade for?
The gamertag "Buddies" for $180, selling to spongebob
What is the value of the trade?
Whats your aim/msn?
Traders aim/msn, and username?
AIM:Spongebob FK:Spongebob
Do you agree to my Terms?
my bad traded already sorry philly for any inconvience
What is the trade for? : GB account
What is the value of the trade? 30+XBL account=40
Whats your aim/msn? Aim: gatorballa30
Traders aim/msn, and username? Aim: MartinoGB
Do you agree to my Terms?: yes
What is the trade for? a gamertag
What is the value of the trade? 200+
Whats your aim/msn? dylon jewett
Traders aim/msn, and username?
Do you agree to my Terms? yes
Coin said:
Good prices, and one of the most trusted middlemen on the site.

Well he's owner of the site so woulnt that be common sense?
What is the trade for? the tumblr url ditto from vegeta
What is the value of the trade? 50 dollars in paypal
Whats your aim/msn? EDIT: just made an aim; dependingly
Traders aim/msn, and username? aim is V.egeta
Do you agree to my Terms? yup of course, and im ready to pay you your 5 dollars, let me know when you can do this please (my first trade on here so that's why I want to use you haha)
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