bkallday said:
So i've been very bored lately with rs and would like to start pking/staking but I haven't done it in years. Any tips on which would be good and not too expensive to create? I have an old pure with 60 str 50 atk and 40 def, anything I can make that into? Tips and ideas welcome!
If your a member, do what techno said. If not, keep it at 40 def and raise your strength to 70 or 80. Raise attack to 60. Then raise your range to 60. then what you wanna do is have a rune scimmy, maple bow, and rune 2h at the ready. Its a epic combo for f2p because due to your high attack, your scim and 2h hit often, and they hit hard. Almost as effective as one claws spec with those stats.
Bow to scim, then scim to 2h.
Make sure their health is reasonably low before you do this, as it can hit anywhere between 0 and 510 (more commonly 300 combining all 3 hits) after combining the hits. (bow hits about a 10, scim hits 19, 2h hits 22)