Myself, Techno, Dykerosoft and Carbon will be PKing tonight.
If you wish to join please leave your RSN name, your combat level and what you can contribute to the team seen in the list below.
DrecliN - Ranging
Techno - Teleblock / Snare, Melee
Dykerosoft - Barrage
Carbon - Ranging
All Day Win - Barrage/ Teleblock, Melee
Password - Melee
Method - Barrage
If you wish to join please leave your RSN name, your combat level and what you can contribute to the team seen in the list below.
DrecliN - Ranging
Techno - Teleblock / Snare, Melee
Dykerosoft - Barrage
Carbon - Ranging
All Day Win - Barrage/ Teleblock, Melee
Password - Melee
Method - Barrage