Plague's GT Shop

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Power member.
Selling most of my tags, 99% of these have never touched the market.

Tag 1
Bin: $275

Tag 2
Bin: $175

Tag 3
Bin: $75

Tag 4
Bin: $50

Tag 5
Bin: $120

Tag 6
Bin: $40

Tag 7
Bid: $10
Bin: $30

Tag 8
Bin: $10

I am considering adding the rest of my tags, but haven't yet. Just PM me if you have funds.
Don't bitch and whine if you don't get a reply, it's probably because I know you don't have funds.
Is tag two the one I like or no?!?!
BasedGod said:
Is tag two the one I like or no?!?!

I believe it is, hit me up on aim.
Big vouch for this vagina, play with him all the time.
Send me a PM with what tags you have, once I sell mine (today or tomorrow) and pay back some moneys, I'll have like $300 to spend.
Merry Christmas, and I hope the creepy mall Santa who's lap you sat on brings you a log of chew and a lump of Cole. (or a dradel you Jewish fuck, happy Hanukah)
I pm'ed you bud. Hopefully we can work something out.
Well sir, I am the 1% that can afford any tag, so hmu all of them
Still selling the ones left. I am willing to trade a couple tags for a better one as well.
Updated the thread, selling ALL my shit now.
Plague said:
Updated the thread, selling ALL my shit now.

Yo get on aim right now mah nigga
Plague said:
Putting up every single one of my tags for sale, no more time for the bullshit.
PM me if you want the list. We can work out a price.

All these are private and only 1 or 2 have ever been on the market.

Please PM me your tags. Thanks man, looking to buy tonight.
Gmme said:
What's your aim?

Gmme, there's no way he's telling you his tags... and stop doing these random letters and crap just to make the reqs
New Zealand said:
Gmme, there's no way he's telling you his tags... and stop doing these random letters and crap just to make the reqs

Why?and I'm trying to get a good tag to start off with
Just updated this shit. Got more but I know most of you don't have funds.
Plague said:
Just updated this shit. Got more but I know most of you don't have funds.
Yo can you PM Me all the tags with the bin within $180? I'll pay the bin on no.2 if i like it.
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