Playin some runescape all night


Onyx user!
Gonna play allnight, or until i just dont want to play anymore so join my cc: lol rakeya if you want someone to talk to.
I could never player RS all night. It gets to boring to me
I'll login and talk to you bro.

"You do not have high enough rank to join this channel."
You don't have a high enough rank to join this channel.
oh crap, sorry guys i didnt know the channel was friends only well that ruined it, well ill be on all today with channel opened, so join when you want to.
How do you play Runescape like all the time dude?
I get fed up within a few hours...
Idk, its just always intertaining because im multi logging right now so its kinda faster paced for me
Imp said:
How do you play Runescape like all the time dude?
I get fed up within a few hours...

Do something until it gets boring then do something else.
Skate, sorry i wasnt paying attention to my monitor, join back to my cc anytime and ill try to respond when im watching

nvm guys, just join Carbon's cc it has more people. His cc is: EBR