Anyone from this forum please help me. I need $10. Can anyone please give me this amount. I will give it back to you on 31st july. I will give you $11 on that date. Please help me.
Though I am new here, am not sure this is allowed to be posted here. Also I can't imagine anyone trusting me with their money so don't think I would be posting a help me here.
It has nothing to do with you as you are perhaps a good person and in need, one should remember though that you will be perhaps entrusting scammers. So please be careful with who you deal with online.
Sorry I cannot help you as I have no money to give.
Hi, we are all working here to earn. There are site that will help you earn $10 faster and even in less than 3 days if you only work hard, I will PM you later. I don't think anybody will give you such amount of money because it does need trust especially there are many scammers online. I am sorry about that but that's the fact.