Please trash this thread....

RE: Selling Sk***les

It is isn't getting smaller and smaller everyday. You are stupid. Not even half of the good gamertags out there are banned or spaced. You just don't know where to look you noob. Also your gamertag is way to overpriced, worth like $200, get good. Your gamertag Sk***les isn't even that good.
RE: Selling Sk***les

Sorry I dont know "where to look" I'm not at fat man with a passion for forums.
RE: Selling Sk***les

Alex said:
Sorry I dont know "where to look" I'm not at fat man with a passion for forums.

I'm far from fat Mr. "Has an avatar of a girl he wanks to."
RE: Selling Sk***les

Okay shes a cute intelligent women any factor about that?
RE: Selling Sk***les

Unless your gay/like impersonating a girl on xbox live this tag is for you who would want to be called "skittles" . Unless u dancing on rainbows(gay) . Btw this tag its not worth half as much the bid on it !
RE: Selling Sk***les

Dude just take Pandas bid i dont think anyone will offer higher :/
RE: Selling Sk***les

I Have Ton's Of Better GTs Than This. So I Guess I Can Comment.
Take These So Called BIDs Your Getting. Tag Isn't Worth It. I Would
Go With Panda.
RE: Selling Sk***les

Thanks guys four hubdred dollar buyout today no haters please
RE: Selling Sk***les

Please take your trolling somewhere else"Moppy" da fuq go mop up the floor
RE: Selling Sk***les

Well Panda backed out the bids now back down to 300...
RE: Selling Sk***les

Alex said:
Well Panda backed out the bids now back down to 300...

Man, just take that deal seriously. That's an amazing deal and seeing how long this post has been up, that's how much you'll be getting from here!
RE: Selling Sk***les

Honestly, What are you trying to get out of this Tag?

You paid $290 less than the current bid. Sell it already, if not close the thread and keep it.
RE: Selling Sk***les

seriously just take it ur doing the samething as a dude on HF when he was selling Authority he had a $320 bid but he wanted $330 he wouldnt take rhe $320 and the tag got banned just take it before it does.
RE: Selling Sk***les

Chill said:
Honestly, What are you trying to get out of this Tag?

You paid $290 less than the current bid. Sell it already, if not close the thread and keep it.

yeah two years ago this things pretty cute now.?
RE: Selling Sk***les

Nonetheless, Take the $300 offer.

Honestly i don't think you'll get any better.
You should keep it, You'll regret selling it.
RE: Selling Sk***les

Bid will drop back down to the 120 bid unless there's another 300 bid because if my bid doesn't buy it then I don't need it. I will not go any higher than that and I might spend my $ on something else...
RE: Selling Sk***les

People seriously need to make BID deadlines. This is ridiculous.
RE: Selling Sk***les

I guess we're down to no bids everyone has backed out...
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