As it says looking to buy a nice (1st gen pref) pokemon tag or a transformers tag if anyone knows of any please let me know.
EDIT - i know pain has bumblebee...
Bumblebee is pretty much the only transformers tag ull find. Optimus Prime is like a 40yr old guy who only uses his acct for ESPN and Ironhide is very active, hes on my FL but he wont respond to u wen u ask if hes selling. I used to have Barricade til it got deleted, Starscream got deleted and Megatron is an employee, Ratchet is selling for like a 4000 MSP, hes a randy and is prob scamming, other than that, Bumblebee is the only one ull find, but GL.
thanks for the help so far, been talking to pain already.. anyways just going to keep this open to see if anything pops up,
EDIT - do u know who has Ratchet?