Porsche Award


Power member.
ive seen some users have been wanting my award so im gonna again allow users to buy it so they can have it :p <3 .

Koins: 5,000

Paypal: $2.50
I thought you were actually selling the award, damn! Well good luck :D
Michael said:
I thought you were actually selling the award, damn! Well good luck :D

in the fute i might but hoe much would you offer so i can get a feeling on how much awards are going for. @michael
Porsche said:
in the fute i might but hoe much would you offer so i can get a feeling on how much awards are going for. @michael

$30-$40 + the transfer fee. It can be paid in Koins I believe.
Sending the 5k koins now! Thanks @Porsche

Edit: Just sent the koins. Thanks m8! :)
Nice award, you think you could give it to me since I fucking love 70s Carrera's?
Brb opening skeem report.

Jk br0 just send the award when you have the time :p
I'll buy the award, HMU when you want the koins brah!
I've also already sent you the koins. HMU with the award grant when you get online mate!
dorry for being late everyone @mojo @johnnyG i got baseball like all day everyday. ive gave everyone the award that sent koins
Vouch for @Porsche I got the award! he is a very nice person on FK.
Can I has teh award now puhweeze?
if anyone else wants this award act fast im about to fall asleep :p