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Portfolio Color Scheme


Power member.
Im just wondering what color scheme you guys think I should 'paint' my portfolio.
Ive just started making it and ive practically got the index all built up in terms of code, i just need to start the graphics, which I cant really do until I get an idea of color.
I am tempted to follow CTF but base it more dark greys and light greys with a lightning blue accent. Sort of like the palette Ive made below.
What do you think?


Power member.
I got started anyways, with the grays and blue. Im liking it so far.
Its just at 800px width atm, and im debating with myself to make it fluid but im not sure.
Fixed or Fluid?
If you choose fixed ill props increase the width to around 1000px and if its fluid then ill props go for 80%.