Post #420, #215, #69 Wins! 6 Prizes! 3 Winners!

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What if we got this done before all of the people who just come for the last posts get here!
Hollywood said:
umad he just slam dunked joey badass's album? Don't disrespect dah BasedGod.

nah i aint mad cuz i know joey is more lyrical, and actually tries in his raps bruh bruh
Hollywood said:
I have work tomorrow, fuck my life....
Dang, my school got canceled, our high is suppose to be -12.
Illegal said:
nah i aint mad cuz i know joey is more lyrical, and actually tries in his raps bruh bruh
based god fucks yo bitch, takes yo money and eats yo chicken
Wow this is getting alot closer! Can't wait for this
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