post here if you have been banned before


Active Member
Post here if you have been banned feel free to state why and for how long.

I've been banned twice. Once for 6 months reduced to 5 days.

Another was escalated to an IP ban but reduced to a 1 month ban.
I was banned this week for "black-hat activity" !

Although I was unbanned because my account was hacked and it was posted under my name.
I had a multi @Homie_temp to sort something out on this account; which got banned. So i guess you could say i got banned.
I was banned when Phillys account was compromised a long time ago. And I was banned so narc could test something on me lol
I was banned for a week for prank calling people LOL.
I've never been banned. @Random wanted me to post for him though, he's banned.
I have been banned a few times a loooong time ago and then recently again for a misunderstanding.
Amp said:
I've never been banned. @Random wanted me to post for him though, he's banned.
Did he get a month ban for calling staff corrupt :p ?
I was banned for 2 days for having a supposed compromised account months before I was Staff!
I've been banned by @nevermind as a joke. While on Xbox he said "Connor refresh fk." And I was banned for the reason "Pussy"

I've also had my account compromised. Fun stuff. :)
The first time I got banned was when Stay Plural & Cody gained control into Philly's account. The second time was when Chill and I got into an argument. The third time was when I released private information of a staff member, publicly. The fourth time was because I didn't appreciate the site (Bitching about the site). The fifth time was an IP ban for constantly making a pardon request for an unjust ban. That's all of em' if I remember correctly.

Most of those bans were valid because of my idiocy, and I'm actually thankful for that because it really got me back into the mindset of being a good member again.
I was banned for possibly compromised account. I was also banned for fucking with @hope when he was trying to use my snapchat cracker. I banned his license for 5 minutes :')