Post4Whm (Post2Host - Everything automatic)


New Member
Hello guy's i am the owner of Post4whm

And i made this site for people who don't want to get hosting by paying and have great ideas in making of websites but don't want to pay ,
so what is the site about: site is about post2host & reseller (need to buy new server so we can start giving resellers)

when you will go to site and as i think you guy's will have some questions.

is the hosting offshore or onshore? well we will be getting 2 to 4 servers so 1 for sure will be onshore and others offshore.

what programs is this site using? we are using mybb and Tht(TheHostingTool), livezilla for live support.

what about contests ?? well we will have many contest liking giving domains , and much more even master reseller.

what are the requirements for hosting?
we have 3 packages in all servers,
first one is small package so you can make a small site for your personal use ( no signup posts need but to maintain the package 4 posts are required every month)

and we have medium package ( 8 posts per month)

and what good is in our third package is that it's "unlimited"
but what's bad about this is that this package will be opening only for 5 hours on 20th of every month and then it disappears for next month, but the users who already have it don't need to order again but they need to post and the post are 12 per month.

well that's all now it's upto you people to review this site .
link is