Posting contest

Hey said:
I hope so. And don't forget all the milk he/she can drink. And catfood that doesn't run out

What about the other cat friends, he/she can associate with? He/she must be catching up with a lot of old friends and getting inside new ones. If he/she is a he, then... that would also mean getting inside.
Fireworks said:
The truth is never good my friend.

Whoa hey friends? I mean I thought we had something man... Come on

Freedom said:
What about the other cat friends, he/she can associate with? He/she must be catching up with a lot of old friends and getting inside new ones. If he/she is a he, then... that would also mean getting inside.
good kitty. Getting that PUSSY like he/she always did before he/she got burned alive
Shift said:
Its still alive when its done cooking i will feed homeless cats with it.

Oh no :/ not catabilism :/ anything but that come on man

Satanism said:
I'm so confused as to what's going on...

He's cooking his fucking cat alive and then is feeding it to that cats that it use to fuck and shit with...
Hey said:
Oh no :/ not catabilism :/ anything but that come on man

Dude, cat's eat each other in the wild any way... lol
Fireworks said:
Dude, cat's eat each other in the wild any way... lol
Yea like lions not kitty kats :/ they only eat each other out
Hey said:
Yea like lions not kitty kats :/ they only eat each other out

Hahaha, I see what you did there.
Satanism said:
I mean, I go to get my pipe and shit's happening...

That cat is so fucked that its starting to look like my last night
Hey said:
Oh no :/ not catabilism :/ anything but that come on man

He's cooking his fucking cat alive and then is feeding it to that cats that it use to fuck and shit with...

Its okay kiddie it'll be over soon...
Hey said:
Oh no :/ not catabilism :/ anything but that come on man

He's cooking his fucking cat alive and then is feeding it to that cats that it use to fuck and shit with...

Its okay kiddie it'll be over soon...
Hey said:
Then the kitty can haunt shift in his sleep > karma bitch

Maybe not. Shift might take that Cat ghosts, and put it in the oven and feed it to other homeless Cat Ghosts.
When shit hits the fan, I'm ready. I got my survivor kit right here. All a man could need.

Doomsday Prepper
Fireworks said:
Maybe not. Shift might take that Cat ghosts, and put it in the oven and feed it to other homeless Cat Ghosts.
Pull some scooby doo movie type shit with it :/ poor thing
Shift said:
I will bitch slap the cats soul then smash it aganist the wall.

Smash it into your Xmas tree man make it decent at least

Satanism said:
I'm just gonna try to smoke out...

Dude blow some that cats way. He needs it too...
At the cat gets a happy christmas.
Fireworks said:
At the cat gets a happy christmas.

Yea the cat gets a great Xmas lol with cat god in kitty heaven

Satanism said:
Imma kms if this doesnt work,,, kbye

Bye man smoke that good green word word
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