Power Question

You have all the requirements for it, so yes you would be. It wouldn't hurt to go and get it, as it does help out the site and Philly even has a sale on it at the moment, so you can get a deal and help the site out at the same time. It's a win, win for everyone. I'd say, by seeing your profile you're good enough for a simple upgrade.
Yes you do, and like Dissociation said you should buy it now because there is a discount going on and this would help ForumKorner!!! :)
A minimum of 250 posts.
A minimum of 20 reputation points.
A minimum of 5 successful trades. (Vouchs)
You must be a Donator, and an Onyx member.
You must be a member for at least 2 full months.
You must pay 15 dollars via PayPal, Moneypak, or Liberty Reserve.

Those are the requirements for Power.
You meet them all, unless you don't have the money to pay for it. :P
May as well take advantage of the sale that's going and pay only $10 instead of $15.
Good luck.
Yeah, as-long as you meet them.