Pre-EoC Runescape & EoC Runescape


Power member.
This video below seems to be pretty big right now. It includes a petition in the description as well. Alternatively, you can simply click here to sign the petition. The petition is to get Jagex to give the players a pre-EoC server. To allows us to have the option of playing either game.

Pro said:
If they released old servers i'd go straight back to no lifing. But what are the odds of it happening?

One in a million.

But that is all it takes...

I'd say one in a thousand. If they brought back free trade and the wild, they could also bring the 06-07 RS back.

I was going to say that but it doesn't sound as good! =p

Given the post that Jagex made the other day, I would say it is more possible. However, we will soon find out if they are all talk or not.
Probably do it in 3 years when they realise the game has gone downhill, just like free trade
Runescape is really run by a bunch of clowns.

Its not even worth hacking the peice of shit anymore lol.
Ben Hartley said:
Runescape is really run by a bunch of clowns.

Its not even worth hacking the peice of shit anymore lol.

I can take all your hax tools if you want
Ben Hartley said:
Runescape is really run by a bunch of clowns.

Its not even worth hacking the peice of shit anymore lol.

Sure it is.
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