Price Check GT:Prepose

I personally thnk this is worth around $15 Anychance you could post the defention because it looks like a cool gamertag .
it's misspelled though. it could have another definition, but that doesn't really make sence.
Actually this is no spelled wrong it is og LOL if you do not know what Prepose you have to be retarded
Most people would think of this as "Propose" This is not an oG. "Pre" in "prepose" makes it a semi.

You wouldn't call "Precancel" and oG, only "Cancel" is for sure.
I could've sworn my friend owned this tag a while back. Pretty nice, but it is misspelled, though Im sure you know that. :p


Declan said:
I could've sworn my friend owned this tag a while back. Pretty nice, but it is misspelled, though Im sure you know that. :p


I don't think he knows lol
I thought it was a misspelled "Propose" as in proposing for marriage.

But you outwitted me, GLWS :)

Prepose Is not updated in computers now a days but a word but mud is so smart but thanks for the kind words Declan
Pose is OG. To pose would be to place something.The Pre is the root because it's Latin for before. But I'm sure you knew that. GLWS!