Price Check on 4 letter Gamertag

this gt would be worth around $5
It would be worth nothing, because there's tons of tags like this that haven't been claimed yet.
This gamertag is worth around $2 if your lucky .
If people actually buy these tags for that price, I'm about to make like 50 of them.
Like 3 bucks at the most. Nothing special.
I seen this tag on this site before, i hope your not a multi-accounter. Glws none the less
Protozoa said:
I seen this tag on this site before, i hope your not a multi-accounter. Glws none the less

M40A3 sold it to me
That is not that good of a tag, but i'm sure it would sell to someone who is stupid. You just have to find someone who is unknowlageable about the price ranges of gamertags.
I swear I've seen that tag before, probably mw2. Nobody buys these because they aren't rare.
$1 - $3. 4 letters arent really that special. GLWS.
Please post this in the right section next time, moved.