Private Match Mods Working! ( 11/19/13 )


Cod: Ghosts Private Match mods are still working after the last patch yesterday… Which has patched ALL current XP lobbies.

These Lobbies Were release From EXPLICITMODS on YT.
This is only a minded CMR File.

Written Tutorial:
Insert your USB Flash Drive into your xbox.
1. )Make sure you have saved a private match custom mode onto your HHD

2. ) Move The saved private match game onto your USB Flash Drive.

3. ) Lets Movie over to our computer. Insert USB .Open up horizon ( Windows Only Sorry )

4. ) Open up horizon, Click on games on the right, Double click cod; left click the CMR File.

5. There are two different CMR mods you can do… Knock Back, Spawn with Maniac, Minigun Invisible ,
Other Mods like INVISIBLE and Godmode ,

6. Left Click and replace the current CMR loaded in your USB with the downloaded one above.

7. Rehash and resign, Might wanna do this twice just incase.

8. Head back to your XBOX 360, Now load up Ghosts, and make sure you do not save another game mode, you want to load a game mode under Gamemode under "My Modes" the saved one is TDM on Prison Break, do not change ANYTHING, and start up the game.

The game in now saved and you will be able to do this until it is patched .

Video Tutorial: Knockback , Minigun , Maniac , :

GodMode and Invisibility:

Credits: ExplicitMods
thank you so much for this i really appreciate this and will be using this alot now!
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