Problems and enjoyment are common in our life. Everyone face a lot of problems and happiness in life, no one living his life with full of problems as well as full of enjoyment, both of them are passing clouds in our life. We worried a lot while we are facing a lot of problem, at that time we think that where is the god? and is the god is existing? But we all forget about our enjoyment at that time. No one lives his life with only problem. A person who is facing problem today will surely face some happiness tomorrow, so don't give up your hope for your problems.
It is very hard to live a life with full of pleasant and pleasure. We must face problems too. Even a new born child is also having a lot of problem in his life, but it don't forget to give a cute smile to the visitors, we must learn a lot of things from that child, so don't think i am not happy in my life with your problems, think the best way to solve your problem and get happiness in your life. Our worries and tears never solve our problem.
It is very hard to live a life with full of pleasant and pleasure. We must face problems too. Even a new born child is also having a lot of problem in his life, but it don't forget to give a cute smile to the visitors, we must learn a lot of things from that child, so don't think i am not happy in my life with your problems, think the best way to solve your problem and get happiness in your life. Our worries and tears never solve our problem.