Pornstars and prostitutes have different motives. Might want to look that up before you blurt something out next time. As well, not everyone is eligible to become a pornstar. Prostitutes do it for money most of the time.
I'd have to say i'm against prostitution altogether.
But i don't think it will ever stop, or ever be legalized, unless its a town of Rednecks or something.
Women, Transsexuals or even men shouldn't be putting them selfs out there, Sex should happen in a committed relationship, sure you'll have sex when your young and at party's, that's fine. But deliberately prostituting yourself for money is just not right.
I'd have to say i'm against prostitution altogether.
But i don't think it will ever stop, or ever be legalized, unless its a town of Rednecks or something.
Women, Transsexuals or even men shouldn't be putting them selfs out there, Sex should happen in a committed relationship, sure you'll have sex when your young and at party's, that's fine. But deliberately prostituting yourself for money is just not right.
Some people that have lost all hope and have the shittiest lives no longer have any morals and/or sense of right or wrong. At that point, it all comes down to making some money at the end of the day so they can feed themselves and perhaps in some cases their families.
Ironically, our government is doing little to help relieve the effects of this hailstorm we call a depression in the US but then they bitch when people find other means of yearning an income, such a prostitution. They're not leaving us much room for options.
People wanting sex is human nature. In the theory that we evolved from monkeys i read this book in school where they were teaching monkeys human traits. They taught them currency in how you give someone some form of currency in return for something. In 2 weeks they saw a male money have sex with a female monkey then the male give the female their form of currency. Its just human nature
In my eyes its like porn. They should make it legal but for 18+ and you have to be 18+ to purchase a prostitute.
People wanting sex is human nature. In the theory that we evolved from monkeys i read this book in school where they were teaching monkeys human traits. They taught them currency in how you give someone some form of currency in return for something. In 2 weeks they saw a male money have sex with a female monkey then the male give the female their form of currency. Its just human nature
In my eyes its like porn. They should make it legal but for 18+ and you have to be 18+ to purchase a prostitute.
You can't use the scientific theory of human evolution because not everyone shares the same religious views as scientologists, especially the government, which are usually religious. The law is supposed to be unbiased.
Sorry this is a bit of a grave dig but felt like I needed to add my contribution to this topic.
I believe that it should be legalized but at the caution of the buyer and the seller. If people want to sell their body for other people's pleasure. That is fine by me.
However I understand that the justice system would get many people claiming rape, beating etc. So it is a incredibly hard decision for them.