[PSA] Your Semi Kik Is Not Worth $100+


Active Member
I've recently seen multiple threads of semi Kiks selling for $70-$120. Nobody will pay your price, or anywhere near. In my opinion, $120 should be the cap anyone pays for a Kik in general. The app is dead. And if you claim that it's "fresh to market" or "doesn't have aids", most of the Kiks in the market don't have aids. Most are recently cracked.
Major Indirect lmao but this is trueeeee
I want a og girly kik but noone can help me :/ . So I just stick with PinkIcecream x
The Kik market is definitely declining but they still go for a decent amount. I completely agree with your input with saying semi's aren't worth 100+

Like 40-50 at best.
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