
Power member.
Looking to sell this PSN, I'm willing to accept PayPal or BTC as a payment option. I'm not going to go first unless I deem you trustworthy and if we need to then a MM can be arranged. I've had this for about 2 months and I haven't used it once, I have all information for the account (Original Email, DOB, etc) and the only previous owner is one of my best friends.

PSN: b*d (Hint: Buddy or another word for Marijuana).

C/O: 240
B/O: 400$

Not going to even think about offers under 200$.

sick ass PSN I may be picking up a PS3 and switching over to the PlayStation life here soon I may hit you up Xbox is done.
one of the cleanest psn's you should find a quick buyer. use a middle man GLWS
Luke T said:
I will offer $235 then. Let me know.

Also because you have no deal history here that I know of, I'll only accept BTC from you. If you're able to get BTC I'll update the thread.
This is one of the better ones I have seen on here imo.

I bought Lux off this dude but he has negative rep now so I will try and get some BTC
Luke T said:
This is one of the better ones I have seen on here imo.

I bought Lux off this dude but he has negative rep now so I will try and get some BTC

What? I've never had Lux. :s
Anyway, still selling this and updated the C/O.
-Polar said:
What? I've never had Lux. :s
Anyway, still selling this and updated the C/O.

He was saying He purchased that from someone else and is trying to get BTC for your PSN I think lol
Trap said:
God damn, I want this. Curse my lack of funds. Curse them all. GLWS.

That's what happens when you go on a spending spree and donate tons of money, buy groups and purchase awards. lol.
Dang Mate... That's a lot of $ for that name. Somebody sold Bam for 125... you should lower the price lol.
Demons said:
Dang Mate... That's a lot of $ for that name. Somebody sold Bam for 125... you should lower the price lol.

Bam is a sub account, this isn't. His BIN is fine.
If I did not already have my dream PSN I would have bought and mained this.. amazing deal.
-Polar said:
Someone buy this please. Really need the $$$.

If you really need money I suggest you take your highest c/o. Or maybe wait a bit.
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