Public Apology to @Toured


So I've figured i might aswell post this before it escalates or something else. If this is the wrong section please move it.​

So about a month or so ago, i bought the gamertag 'Cylinder' off of @$$$$$ / @Dollartemp . Keep in mind he is a known multi accounter and scammer but we have a mutual friend so i decided to do it anyway. The deal was a few kiks and $85. Deal went smooth, i sent him the kiks, he secured them. He sent tag, i secured it.i sent money. Smooth right? And it was. Last friday the tag got banned and yeah i was bummed out but i took the L. Later that night i was told by a few people in a party i was in that josh/$$$$$ called it in. While i have no proof to support these claims i was still pissed. So i chargebacked on him and won. Little did i know that @toured was his paypal holder. A scam report was opened up and i spoke to josh and i decided to just pay the money back. I consulted @color about this issue just to add in. While in the end i had no proof he was the one who called it in, he is a known scammer/multi accounter so i went with my instinct. Hes a cool guy dont get me wrong. So @toured hit me up on kik about the money because it was his grandparents PayPal and not his. Im a nice guy and i felt bad about thos situation. Anyway, i went to go pay him back but the money i used to pay him was from a mastercard (now expired) and a prepaid card (not in my possession anymore). So to prevent this from escalating i decided to just work up the money irl to pay him back but as of now my irl funds are extremely low and i put everything i had into the deal.​

Just posting this for records sake just incase this comes up as a scam report. Ill pay Him back but i just need time. Im on my phone so i cant post proof of the conversation.​

Again, i apologize to @toured for putting him in a fucked up situation that he had nothing to do with.​
I guess your instincts fucked you up.
Never trust your instincts, that is what I learnt.
Just bumping this. I have not received my money yet.
Yeah this tag has mad aids and it doesnt mean josh called it in. Even if he is a scammer, with no proof that he called it in that makes you a scammer until you pay @toured back. crackle
josh never even consoled it and @horrify confirmed that niqqa, he couldn't have called it in anyways
I like that tag bro nice i fukin hate scammerz
@captain @chapter yes im afuckingware. Whether he called it in or someone else did i was pissed and went on instinct. I have been on this forum for ages and have never ever scammed and care about my reputation here which is why i made this thread. Ive been trying to work with @Toured its just that things have been difficult for me irl job wise
@horrify Said that he would reimburse me with sound clouds, but he will not respond to messages on kik. I'm bumping this one more time. Tristan, just please give me the sm's. We have waited long enough.
Toured said:
@horrify Said that he would reimburse me with sound clouds, but he will not respond to messages on kik. I'm bumping this one more time. Tristan, just please give me the sm's. We have waited long enough.

Soundclouds what the hell who cares about soundclouds lol.
cas said:
fuck dat boy keep his money ya heard?

lil does he know that nigga @Toured is probably Josh aka @$$$$$

and that nigga got him workin' irl to pay him, nigga ode a pussy

@Toured lil respect goes to u cuz u got this nigga workin mad hard to pay u LOL
Genetic said:
lil does he know that nigga @Toured is probably Josh aka @$$$$$

and that nigga got him workin' irl to pay him, nigga ode a pussy

@Toured lil respect goes to u cuz u got this nigga workin mad hard to pay u LOL
Were you born autistic or did it develop over time?
Lmfao @genetic
I'm not josh, you are an imbecile if you think that I am a multi of $$$$$
Wouldn't you think that over the course of about a month and a half or almost even two months, he could come up with $80. I even said I would take any type of social mediums, that @horrify had, so he said he would give me the sound clouds about a week ago, that still has not happened.

@senpai I don't care about sound clouds, I just wanted compensation, since @horrify can't come up with money lol.

True, but that sucks that its sound clouds instead of money.
@senpai it is either his ig@lanterns and a few sound clouds or like 10 sound clouds.
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