rakeya said:I'm gonna just sit here and play runescape all night until i pass out, if you wanna come chat with me so i'm not completely bored just join my clan chat. My username is lol rakeya.
rakeya said:alright, I decided im just going to play legit instead of botting, but its tough having to work for my stats. atleast it'll be worth it in the end.
rakeya said:well looks like im not gonna allnight at all, too tired so ima go to bed now. Peace, ill be on tomorrow though if anyone wants to chat
Vegeta said:Whenever I go to play legit, I always go to castlewars. Just gather up some friends on Skype or Vent and it's a blast. Especially at 1:30 in the morning.
Too bad none of my accounts are good enough to rape at castle wars anymore