Pullin an allnighter


Onyx user!
I'm gonna just sit here and play runescape all night until i pass out, if you wanna come chat with me so i'm not completely bored just join my clan chat. My username is lol rakeya.
I remember when I used to do that. Back in my "hur, 1-85 fishing in 10 days" period.

Bad time rakeya. Bad times.
rakeya said:
I'm gonna just sit here and play runescape all night until i pass out, if you wanna come chat with me so i'm not completely bored just join my clan chat. My username is lol rakeya.

Dude I was thinking that I might do the same thing tonight. I might hit you up on that offer if I decide to stop my bot. :p
alright, I decided im just going to play legit instead of botting, but its tough having to work for my stats. atleast it'll be worth it in the end.
rakeya said:
alright, I decided im just going to play legit instead of botting, but its tough having to work for my stats. atleast it'll be worth it in the end.

Whenever I go to play legit, I always go to castlewars. Just gather up some friends on Skype or Vent and it's a blast. Especially at 1:30 in the morning.

Too bad none of my accounts are good enough to rape at castle wars anymore D:
well looks like im not gonna allnight at all, too tired so ima go to bed now. Peace, ill be on tomorrow though if anyone wants to chat
I'll addyou and talk to you. :)
Vegeta said:
Whenever I go to play legit, I always go to castlewars. Just gather up some friends on Skype or Vent and it's a blast. Especially at 1:30 in the morning.

Too bad none of my accounts are good enough to rape at castle wars anymore D:

Good idea I might host a castlewars event for people from rg to com
harden up and gtfo of bed lol. ive pulled many allnighters skilling not so much, but pking lol. pking i could spend days on end doing.