Pure PKing


Onyx user!
Hey all!
I'm just wondering how many of you pk/pked on pures. I think they're great and more fun than PKing on say a lvl 120. It gets so intense!

Also back in around 2006 in f2p pking with pures, that was rape.
I made a lvl 30 range pure and started my own "Clan" at world 30 where all i said was "follow for team" at the Varrock church. I had 50+ people following me! We went out to level 20 wildy and i was pwning lvl 45 str pures! :) that was mad as!

P2P pures are also fun these days. I never imagined level 60s using ice barrage or having the ability to use O.P weapons. Well they can now with "Corrupt" weapons. They are fun usually until they get stolen from you >.<

Discuss if you pure PK
Also if you have a pure and willing to trade ;)

~101 (h)
Good 'ol days when Pking was good and there was no trade limit. I would make pures ranging from lvl 10-30 and drop trade all the shit.
Ahh. the days in where i used to have hundreds of accounts just for pking at level 3-15.
Yeah true i made heaps lol!
All gone...
I pure pk with just 99 str 40 attack and 1 def, It works great. Im thinking about maybe going 60 attack because I think DDP and ect would pwn hard core instead of rune scimmy.
P-K-G said:
I pure pk with just 99 str 40 attack and 1 def, It works great. Im thinking about maybe going 60 attack because I think DDP and ect would pwn hard core instead of rune scimmy.

Yeah true, but I'm sticking to just 50 atk atm.