First thing we need to do is go to file->New then make the size Width:400 and Height: 400, And click Ok.
Then we select the gradient tool(G) and make some color of the page.
Now take the text tool(T) and type your word in like I do(World).
And now drag your image in to the page where we have the text.
The last step is to right click on the layer 1 where the image is (the imagelayer), and then create a clipping mask.
And now you are done
Then we select the gradient tool(G) and make some color of the page.
Now take the text tool(T) and type your word in like I do(World).
And now drag your image in to the page where we have the text.
The last step is to right click on the layer 1 where the image is (the imagelayer), and then create a clipping mask.
And now you are done